Version 21 (modified by 14 years ago) ( diff ) | ,

P2PNS (Peer-to-Peer Name Service) is a distributed name service using a peer-to-peer network. The current focus of P2PNS is to provide a secure and efficient SIP name resolution for decentralized VoIP (P2PSIP). P2PNS is developed at the Karlsruhe Institut of Technology (KIT), Institute of Telematics (research group Prof. Zitterbart) within the scope of the ScaleNet project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
The P2PNS architecture is described in the paper P2PNS: A secure distributed name service for P2PSIP (slides) and in the internet draft draft-baumgart-p2psip-p2pns-00.
An experimental implementation of P2PNS for OverSim is currently in development and available for download here. There's also a live demonstration of our P2PNS deployment in the PlanetLab and G-Lab research networks. Please take a look at the demo guide for usage instructions!
Good Starting Points
- P2pnsFeatures -- Already available and planned P2PNS features
- P2pnsDownload -- Download P2PNS on this page
- P2pnsGuide -- Starting point for P2PNS documentation
- MailingList -- Join the mailing list for user and developer discussions
- P2pnsPublications -- Publications related to P2PNS
- P2pnsTeam -- The core developers of P2PNS
- P2pnsLicense -- The P2PNS license