= P2PNS = {{{ #!html }}} [http://www.p2pns.org/ P2PNS] (Peer-to-Peer Name Service) is a distributed name service built on top of a DHT. The current focus of P2PNS is to provide a secure and efficient SIP username resolution for decentralized VoIP ([http://www.p2psip.org/ P2PSIP]). The P2PNS architecture is described in the paper [http://doc.tm.uka.de/2008/P2PNS_2008.pdf P2PNS: A secure distributed name service for P2PSIP] ([http://doc.tm.uka.de/2008/P2PNS_slides_2008.pdf slides]) and in the internet draft [http://doc.tm.uka.de/2007/draft-baumgart-p2psip-p2pns-00.html draft-baumgart-p2psip-p2pns-00]. An experimental implementation of P2PNS for !OverSim is currently in development and available for download [wiki:P2pnsDownload here]. There's also a [http://p2pname.org/ live demonstration] of our P2PNS deployment in the PlanetLab research network. == Good Starting Points == * [wiki:P2pnsFeatures] -- Already available and planned P2PNS features * [wiki:P2pnsDownload] -- Download P2PNS on this page * [wiki:P2pnsGuide] -- Starting point for '''P2PNS documentation''' * [wiki:MailingList] -- Join the mailing list for user and developer discussions * [wiki:P2pnsPublications] -- Publications related to P2PNS * [wiki:P2pnsTeam] -- The core developers of P2PNS * [wiki:P2pnsLicense] -- The P2PNS license